Monday Bonus

Mondays can be hectic with everyone trying to get off to a running start for the week. I was enjoying a fast-food breakfast recently, and got this idea for a quickie breakfast treat you can make at home. I spread a little guacamole on the hash-brown cake, added a few bites of turkey meat and cheese cubes from a protein snack pack. It was delicious! Those little hash brown cakes toast up quickly, and they’re small enough to be portable too. Ready, Set, Go!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, August 21, 2022, 1:19 p.m.

Literally, Everything!

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that “Come unto me,” means for everything. Every need is met in Christ Jesus. There is nothing too small for Him to care about. That’s why we’re encouraged to get as close to the Lord as possible, in relationship. I love Him so! Jesus never ceases to amaze me, to just blow my mind-and heart, and, to make me laugh! Yes, He does have a sense of humor! And, oh, how wonderful it is!

And, let me tell you, Jesus has a sense of humor! I was having my breakfast on Wednesday, and a small flock of pigeons flew over to where I was sitting. Of course, they’re such little beggars! One little pigeon, caught my eye. He was walking, as if wading in water, and made an almost complete circle. Then, he turned his head toward me, and then kind of cocked his little head, nodding to his right, as if pointing across the street. I laughed and said, “Were you over there looking for food and couldn’t find any?” Then, I went back to my breakfast. Now, I had decided, and said the day before, that I would check in with my doctor and make an appointment. I have a few things going on I think I need to get checked out. Anyway, it suddenly occurred to me that my doctor’s office is right back on that side of the street that that little pigeon pointed at when he cocked his little head in that direction. I couldn’t help myself. I looked up in Heaven’s direction and said, “Was that you, Jesus?!” I had a good laugh, then. Yes, I did go make that appointment. See, Jesus cares! Literally, everything matters to Him. I sure hope He doesn’t tell that doctor I’ve been eating all that sausage and cheese lately.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, November 12, 2020, 1:03 p.m.

It Counts As Victory To Him

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that each and every little victory is still counted as victory. Each one is just as important, and celebrated as all the others. Our Lord does not compare us to anyone; so, we shouldn’t either.

Jesus sees the loving and striving; not the imperfections. Every effort you make toward progress is a victory in itself. Did you know that? Yes! You might be trying to win a battle, and only get half of the stuff right, or only go a few steps before you’re stumped, or tired. You still made progress, didn’t you? Yes, you did! Never, ever discount any step forward-never!

There was a time, when I was fighting depression, that I celebrated the victory of having the bed made and the breakfast mess cleaned up in the morning. Boy, you should have heard the whoops and seen the war dance when we had three or four mornings in a row under our belt. Do you know what? The more celebrating I did, the easier it got to keep going. I also was somehow infused with a new energy, for some reason. LOL Was that you, Jesus? Yes, it was!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, October 26, 2020, 2:25 p.m.

Oh, That Touch

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that our Lord is ever present with us. We are reminded that His touch brings, not only healing, but guidance, and comfort. It isn’t just healing, guidance, and comfort that that touch brings us. Sometimes, I feel that touch as I’m doing my Bible study. I always come away with a wonderful little nugget of truth that empowers my walk with Him. I hope you’ll read the message for yourselves at

That little nugget of truth came through that touch recently. I was doing my study on generational curses, and was led to Genesis 2:15-17. I believe, since we are created in God’s image, after His likeness, we already have the knowledge of both good and evil within us. (Genesis 1:26-27) We just didn’t have the wisdom we needed in regard to good and evil. Remember God walked and talked with them in the cool of the day. So, it is possible that Satan thought he’d get a head-start on destruction.

One of the keys to overcoming generational curses is mastering the knowledge of good and evil. It is not the knowledge of good and evil that will kill you. It is eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil that will either kill you, or bring you life. Eating the fruit of the knowledge of good will destroy your fleshly, worldly, and evil tendencies. It will also destroy the fallout, or spiritual damage to you caused by the evil in the world around you. Likewise, eating the fruit of the knowledge of evil will destroy good in your life, and even the desire in you, to do good.

Example: You see someone homeless on the street. You’ve just purchased breakfast, and got a two for one deal. The fruit of the knowledge of good is your desire to offer this person the other breakfast. (compassion) You do (partaking of the fruit), and a little faith and hope comes alive in that person. (There’s somebody who does care) The other example: The scenario is the same. Only this time, you think about being able to sleep in, and having this extra breakfast tomorrow morning. You won’t have to stop for it on the way to work. (Self, Selfish) You do not offer it to that person, but go on your way (partaking of the fruit of evil) Not that thinking about yourself is evil, but when you see a person who’s homeless and obviously hungry, and you do have enough…isn’t ignoring that and walking away what Satan would do?

That little “touch” made me realize how much easier choosing is when we see exactly what it is being offered us.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, September 28, 2020, 1:32 p.m.

Saturday Silly – October 5, 2019


Dad had been gone all week on his sales trip.  He arrived home bright and early Saturday morning.   The kids were all in the living room watching television, but Mom was nowhere in the vicinity.  “Where’s your mother,” asked Dad.  “The poor battered woman is in the bathroom cleaning herself and the two year old up,” answered Stephanie, the oldest of the children.  “Battered woman?  What? What are you talking about, Stephanie?  Did something happen to Mom,”asked Dad, now alarmed.  “I’ll say,” said Tommy, the second oldest child.  “Little Mike got so excited about pancakes for breakfast, he grabbed the bowl of batter, and threw it up in the air.  He got batter all over himself and Mom.”  Isn’t motherhood awesome?!  I think so; and I mean that with all my heart.  LOL

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Please encourage a survivor, and let a victim know she’s not alone, or, that he’s not alone.  Please light a candle for all the victims who did not survive, but lost their lives to this.  Thank you to all those who stood beside me.  I am eternally in your debt, and eternally grateful for your help. From a survivor … Yes, you will laugh again, my dear…keep fighting!  You’re not alone.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, October 1, 2019, 12:32 p.m.

Eden’s Breakfast On The Grill


Ingredients:  1- 9×13 cookie sheet or baking pan… 1 LB. Bulk ground Pork Sausage, 1 med. bag frozen O’Brien Potatoes, 1 dozen Eggs, 1 eight ounce package Sargento Cheddar Cheese slices, Butter, Salt, Pepper

Make a nice bed of coals, and get them good and hot.  When the coals are hot, your grill’s ready. ***Please keep in mind that when you’re working on a grill, temperatures vary, and you need to check frequently to make sure the food is cooking correctly, and not burning.**   Place cookie sheet or baking pan on the grill, and add the ground sausage, breaking it up as it cooks.  Cook the sausage until near done, stirring well to prevent burning. The meat should be pale pinkish.   Now, move the sausage to the cooler side of the pan, and melt about 3-4 T. butter in the cookie sheet or baking pan.  Spread the melted butter around evenly.  Now add the O’Brien potatoes, tossing them lightly to cover with the butter.  Next, spread them out across the pan, incorporating the cooked sausage into them.  Cover with foil and let cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring about halfway through cooking time.  At 20 minutes, they should be tender.  Crack the eggs over the top of the sausage and potato mixture, one at a time, covering the mixture evenly.  Now’s the time to add a little salt and pepper, if you like.  Cover with foil and let cook another 10-20 minutes, until the egg yolks are set.  Uncover and top with the cheese.  Cover and let the cheese melt-about 5 minutes.                             I put two strips of cheese “diamonds” down the pan.  Image result for images diamond shape  When the cheese is melted, remove the pan from the grill, uncover and let sit 3-5 minutes.  Serves 6  

Serve with some red grapes or canteloupe melon on the side if desired.

What a great way to end the summer!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, August 13, 2019, 12:41 p.m.

Saturday Silly – July 27, 2019


I apologize this didn’t make it up at midnight.  I was feeling pretty under the weather yesterday, and took the day off.  At any rate.  Saturday’s here…Thank you, Lord, for another week that you’ve walked with me.

I was on my way from breakfast this morning, and ran into a friend of mine.  He preaches on the streets; you may have spotted him near the freeway exits and on-ramps.  Anyway, he asked me if I knew how many books in the Bible start with the letter J.  I hadn’t had my coffee yet.  I have to laugh; I came up with two, and was at a loss for the rest.  You see, I ‘m the kind of person that reads the Word, and knows the Word, but I’ll be hanged if I can remember what book, chapter, and verse I read that Word in.  It’s all the same to me-God’s Word.  Whenever I do my Bible studies and posts, I have to look them up to be sure I’ve got their placements right.

Anyway, I made my way to the park behind the library, and was having my coffee, and thinking about my next Bible study: Your Glory.  “You made them a little lower than the angels; you crowned them with glory and honor”  This is the verse that came to me.  For the life of me, I could not remember where, in the Bible, I read it.  This thought came to me: “coffee.”  I thought, “What?”  “Coffee,” it came again.  OH!  HEBREWS!  I’m still laughing!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, July 27, 2019, 10:30 a.m.