It’s Ours To Care For

Today’s message comes to us from Psalm 115. It’s a wonderful praise, and reminder of God’s glory on the whole universe. The verse I want to focus on is verse 16; reading from the ESV.

“The heavens are the LORD’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man.” I never did laugh at the so-called “tree-huggers.” I probably wouldn’t chain myself to a tree, but I do see their point. We need to manage the things God has given us stewardship over much more carefully. Being homeless, I see a lot of disrespect toward God’s creation. That’s not only disrespect for His creation, but it’s also disrespect for oneself. God made everything beautiful for us. He made it to replenish itself, to sustain life on it, and to give us everything we need to live in good health, comfortably, and happily. When we don’t take care to replenish what we use, we risk destroying that resource completely. The buffalo, and many other near extinct animals are proof of that.

Caring for the earth begins in your own personal space. From there, we gain the strength and energy to care for the world around us; to contribute to its beauty, and to keep it beautiful. God is a god of order, not chaos. When we stop caring for our personal space, we fall victim to chaos, dis-ease, energy sapping currents, etc. This radiates outwardly toward the world around us, in all our relationships, and in eternity, I believe. If you’re going to radiate something, let it be the love, peace, joy, and power within you, that comes from the loving, peaceful, joyful, and powerful personal space you create and sustain. There’s a reason God’s sanctuary is called a sanctuary.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, June 30, 2021, 12:56 p.m.