It’s Ours To Care For

Today’s message comes to us from Psalm 115. It’s a wonderful praise, and reminder of God’s glory on the whole universe. The verse I want to focus on is verse 16; reading from the ESV.

“The heavens are the LORD’s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man.” I never did laugh at the so-called “tree-huggers.” I probably wouldn’t chain myself to a tree, but I do see their point. We need to manage the things God has given us stewardship over much more carefully. Being homeless, I see a lot of disrespect toward God’s creation. That’s not only disrespect for His creation, but it’s also disrespect for oneself. God made everything beautiful for us. He made it to replenish itself, to sustain life on it, and to give us everything we need to live in good health, comfortably, and happily. When we don’t take care to replenish what we use, we risk destroying that resource completely. The buffalo, and many other near extinct animals are proof of that.

Caring for the earth begins in your own personal space. From there, we gain the strength and energy to care for the world around us; to contribute to its beauty, and to keep it beautiful. God is a god of order, not chaos. When we stop caring for our personal space, we fall victim to chaos, dis-ease, energy sapping currents, etc. This radiates outwardly toward the world around us, in all our relationships, and in eternity, I believe. If you’re going to radiate something, let it be the love, peace, joy, and power within you, that comes from the loving, peaceful, joyful, and powerful personal space you create and sustain. There’s a reason God’s sanctuary is called a sanctuary.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, June 30, 2021, 12:56 p.m.

Forget Your Father’s House

Today’s message comes from Psalm 45, and it is inspiring and empowering. It fills me with new energy every time I read it. The psalm makes me think of Jesus.

Verse 10 of the psalm changed my life. “Hear, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear: forget your people and your father’s house, and the king will desire your beauty. That king will bestow on you a beauty that is desirable. It’s the Proverbs 31 kind of beauty. *I’ve said this before; it works for you guys too. Moving on to verse 12: This is not so much people seeking your favor with gifts, I believe, as it is people realizing that we have something different, something special. Verse 13 speaks about white robes interwoven with gold. Jesus takes our filthy rags and gives us bright white robes…and that gold?…well, once again, He takes your past and uses it to pave the road ahead of you. Those many colored robes in verse 14 are all those great things inside you, that you never even dreamed were there! Jesus reveals those to you. *I think of the word, multifaceted; like a prism. Those virgin companions are your new attitudes, thoughts, your new horizons, and new joys. Finally, the last two verses-16&17: “In place of your fathers will be your sons…” Your parents may have dropped the ball…but your generation leads the next generation in overcoming the mistakes and iniquities of the past generations. Your legacy will live on and on.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, April 5, 2021, 3:25 p.m.

Guided Into Awesome Things

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that God has already worked it all out. You have but to trust Him, and let Him guide you to, and through it all. Since I finally got this settled in my spirit, I have such freedom from anxiety, such peace in living; no matter what’s going on or what’s assailing me. This is when you know you’re letting the Holy Spirit work in and through you.

When we stick to what God says He has planned for us (plans to prosper, and not to harm us), we have a destination, or state of mind to focus on, and strive toward. No matter where you find yourself emotionally, if you look toward that point, you will regain your balance, peace, and energy. It’s like looking at the directional board at a mall…You are here…and there’s where you want to be…and here are the steps/ here’s the way to get there.

That perpetual guidance the message speaks of, brings to us the peace and power to create, and be creative. I have dreamed up, and created some of the most amazing things; and I know I never would have, had I not stopped the frenzied efforts to get somewhere on my own steam, and just let God lead me and guide me. Proverbs 16:33 tells us: “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” This principle works in every aspect and area of life, if you let it. I hope you’ll read the entire message for yourselves at

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, December 12, 2020, 12:55 p.m.

Union In Everything

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that Jesus is present when there are two or three gathered in His Name. This presence is different from when we gather together to praise and to hear from Him. This is a sweet, sweet spirit filled to overflowing with His love, peace, joy, and with our Lord, Himself-His very nature. That’s one reason we need to get to know Him as intimately as we can. We do that by reading the Gospels, the Psalms, the Prophets, and Revelations. All these books speak of Jesus Christ, our Lord. In them, you catch sight of His heart, His compassion, His joy, simplicity, courage, and ferocity when it comes to us, his followers. He truly is the Lion of the tribe of Judah; in every sense of the word!

I discovered some time ago, that union has to come at all levels, in order to truly bring unity, and power. The best example I can think of to illustrate this, is your home. It is especially important that you feel unity and cohesiveness in your sanctuary; which is what your home is. When there’s a mess in the front hall, it’s not very welcoming, is it? You want to turn around and go right back out, don’t you? Yeah. The same is true of cluttered spaces within the home. God is a God of order; not chaos and confusion. Chaos and confusion bring division; they break up the unified space that makes up your sanctuary. They distract your mind and heart, and deplete positive energy. When that happens, we end up with negative emotions and energy. The same is true of family dynamics and relationships.

This is where standards and boundaries come in. When we set them, enforce them, and follow them, stick with them, we can bring about union in thought, attitude, and deed. We can truly bring about unity among family members, co-workers, team members, etc., and thereby, increase power and effectiveness; not to mention joy. It’s all about being of one accord; which is what unity and union are. And, Jesus truly does delight in these; you can feel it when it’s happening.

PS – I didn’t forget you, Will, I just forgot that I was posting a day ahead. Happy Birthday! I hope your day was awesome, and filled with all things wonderful!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, November 15, 2020, 12:51 p.m.

It Counts As Victory To Him

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that each and every little victory is still counted as victory. Each one is just as important, and celebrated as all the others. Our Lord does not compare us to anyone; so, we shouldn’t either.

Jesus sees the loving and striving; not the imperfections. Every effort you make toward progress is a victory in itself. Did you know that? Yes! You might be trying to win a battle, and only get half of the stuff right, or only go a few steps before you’re stumped, or tired. You still made progress, didn’t you? Yes, you did! Never, ever discount any step forward-never!

There was a time, when I was fighting depression, that I celebrated the victory of having the bed made and the breakfast mess cleaned up in the morning. Boy, you should have heard the whoops and seen the war dance when we had three or four mornings in a row under our belt. Do you know what? The more celebrating I did, the easier it got to keep going. I also was somehow infused with a new energy, for some reason. LOL Was that you, Jesus? Yes, it was!

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, October 26, 2020, 2:25 p.m.

Then It’s Not A Hill Of Sacrifice

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that we must be ready to go to the very top of our Hill of Sacrifice, and to the very last moment before we see God’s deliverance. Abraham’s story is referenced here. “God, Himself, will provide the sacrifice,” he told his son. (Genesis 22:8) We’re told that this test of faith must come to all who believe in Jesus; to all who walk by faith.

Something I learned some time ago, is that the sacrifice was already provided, and made, on Calvary. Yes, I know, you all know that. But do you know that when you get that, you truly will be delivered – not just from your sin, but from anxiety about all the things this world can have us caught up in? Your days will start with prayers of thankfulness. Your requests to God will be mostly about remaining in His Will for your life. And, your energy and excitement levels will both rise. When you’re able to just get up and go about the business of being who your are, and who you are in Christ Jesus, that hill of sacrifice turns into the slope of surrender. It’s not a hill of sacrifice anymore. And, though we still have the tribulation that comes with being in the world, it really is all downhill from there. Because it is now the vantage point from which you see your new horizon(s).

I hope you’re all getting in some praise time with your own choice of music, by the way.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, October 21, 2020, 1:22 p.m.

How To Work In Peace

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that disorder and chaos, within or round about us, does not foster effective and successful work. It also stifles and squashes creativity.

The way to work in peace is to have a peaceful work space and atmosphere. That means organization and clean work area(s). Making sure all needed materials are at hand, and organized, and work tools are at hand and ready to use is the next step. Sometimes you may even have to send calls to voicemail, so you can work uninterrupted. This is what God did for us in the Garden of Eden. He put everything needed there, and helped Adam put it in order (naming the animals is labeling everything).

Creating order and peace within is a little harder to do; especially when there are issues you’re dealing with. One of the challenges I had as a battered woman was keeping my mind on task, and not getting ahead of myself in the project I was working on. You’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop then, so your mind races over a million things all throughout your work time. Praise music, or music that soothes your soul and slows your mind down helps quite a bit. it’s also important to continue to increase your spirit in the Word of God, and in positive activities and things that give you energy and increase your self-confidence. As we grow in these, we’re filling up the empty spaces and replacing the negative thoughts and attitudes we’ve had in the past.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:12 ESV) This scripture comes to mind when I read this message. The “world” refers not only unbelievers. It’s also “your world”, and all the things that are going on in it; especially the negative and/or unsettling things. That’s why we’re told: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, September 14, 2020, 1:32 p.m.

Pray, Pray, Pray! And Praise Him!

Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that prayer is to be a part of our lives as the people of God. I’m posting the link to so you can read the message for yourselves. I hope you will; it’s a blessing.

When I think about prayer, and how important it is, I recall some days that I just really didn’t want to pray. I wanted to see that so-n-so get his or hers. I wanted God to come down here and smack the “not be Jesus” out of ’em all! I chose to obey, and pray, instead. I have never regretted it! And those prayers always end up in praise; sometimes tearfully. That, I believe, is God letting me know He hears. Casting Crowns does this awesome song. I hope it infuses your spirit with a renewed energy and joy to pray with.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, August 29, 2020, 11:00 a.m.

Are You Surprised Yet?


Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that we are to do everything as if unto the Lord.  Keeping that in mind, would I grumble, complain, pout, etc., about having to do something for Jesus?  Yes, I do have to say ashamedly, there have been some times when I did just that.  One time, I even really cursed Him out.  That’s why I thank God each and every day for His mercy and grace toward me.

The message bids us to bow to God’s will and wishes gladly, and not in resignation.  Rather, bow, with the knowledge that this thing is going to end up so awesomely for you.  The Bible tells us that all the promises of God are yes and amen.  That tells me that God has something good for me at the end of this.  And, God, Himself, has promised us that He has plans to prosper us, and not to harm us.  So we can expect “glad surprises”, to quote the message directly.  How could you not smile about that?!

As I read the message, I think about daily prayers, chores, workloads, extra tasks when things go wrong, etc.  Do you know, it takes just as much effort to do it joyfully as it does to do it grumbling and begrudgingly.  Personally, I believe it takes more effort to do it grumbling and begrudgingly.  I have found, over the years, that joyfulness and positive energy, somehow lighten the loads, and speed up the doing.  Things get done much more quickly, and the whole atmosphere is beautiful.  When we put these principles into practice in our daily living, our growth in them, spiritually, is awesome.  That’s what God wants for us; abundant life here, and abundant power in the spirit-because the two go hand in hand.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, October 28, 2019, 11:56 a.m.

He Is The Source From Which It Flows


Today’s message from God Calling – A.J. Russell, reminds us that God is our only source of salvation.  We are to see Him as our only supply.  Everything else is a resource and/or a channel through which that supply flows.

Salvation comes daily, and it comes in many ways and from many things.  Poverty of spirit, lack of desire or energy, lack of love or peace within, etc.  These spiritual needs are as important to God as our physical well being is.  If God can send ravens to feed a prophet in the wilderness, He surely can send provision to us through whatever channels are available to Him.  All channels are available to Him, because the earth is His, and the fullness thereof.  (Psalm 24:1) “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”

Deuteronomy 28:8 is referenced by the message: “The LORD will decree a blessing on your barns and on everything to which you put your hand.”  All the blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28 are the result, or fruit, of our obedience to God’s Word.  They go hand in hand.  This means that whatever I work at, or whatever effort I put forth in accordance to God’s Will and Word, will bring results.  This is also true of spiritual needs.  Whatever spiritual need I have, God will meet it.  Jesus promised us that if we ask, we will receive.  Just the other day, I had to ask the Lord to help me pray, because I really didn’t feel like praying for anyone or anything that morning.  I wanted to scream until the world just exploded.  I asked; I received.  God’s a good God!  Amen!

When I read Deuteronomy 28, I get a picture of how things operate in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Seed time, and harvest is the modus operandi.  That means that I have to sow something (time, effort, prayer, etc.,) in order to harvest something.  The really cool thing is this: God not only gives us the harvest, but He also gives us the seed to sow.  We just sometimes miss it, because we’re looking for a harvest when or where we have not sown…or because we have sown in fallow ground. (Jer. 4:3)  Basket and kneading bowl suggest gathering and working with what’s gathered, or working with what you’ve got.  Trust is the key to prosperity; prosperity of spirit, which is most important, and physical, or material prosperity as well.

Love you from Cafe du Mondieu

Copyright by Marina Morrison (aka) Eden Stillwater, September 30, 2019, 11:24 a.m.